Wednesday, February 13, 2019

How to Take a Ring Off a Fat Finger

Your ring was designed to fit your finger as perfectly as possible. As life would have it, fluctuations in weight, as well as swelling, can cause even the most glorious of rings to become stuck. In the tightness becomes severe, the ring will begin to cut off your finger's circulation. If this unpleasant situation is happening to you, stay calm and act quickly.



    Apply soap, lotion or cooking oil to your hands. The grease may better enable you to work the ring from your finger. Alton L. Thygerson, author of "First Aid, CPR and AED," suggests spraying window cleaner onto the affected finger.


    Check your finger for swelling. Swelling will make the ring difficult to remove. To bring down swelling, apply ice to your ring finger, or massage it. Another technique is to wrap your finger in thread or dental floss, starting from just above your ring and ending at your finger tip. After a short time, try and remove the ring.


    Cut off the ring. Sometimes, there's simply no other alternative. The safest course of action, particularly if you are experiencing pain, additional swelling, or if the ring is cutting off your circulation, is to proceed immediately to your local emergency room. A jeweler will also be able to cut off the ring. Once a ring is cut off, a jeweler can generally fix it and enlarge it so it fits your finger's new shape.


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