Tuesday, February 5, 2019

How to Clean Diamond Earrings at Home

Diamond earrings are a classic staple for just about any wardrobe. It is necessary to clean them to keep them shiny and sparkly because, in the normal course of wearing, they can get soap or makeup or perfume on them. While many people opt to take their earrings to a jeweler to be cleaned, another option is to clean your diamond earrings at home. You do need to be careful not to damage the diamond earrings by cleaning them yourself.



    Create a solution of warm water and ammonia. Add 1/4 cup of ammonia to 1 cup of warm water in a medium-sized bowl. Place the diamond earrings in the bowl and allow them to sit in the solution for 20 minutes.


    Put on rubber gloves, remove the earring from the ammonia solution and place the earrings into the other bowl, this time containing warm water. Add liquid dishwashing soap, about 1 tsp. Swish the diamond earrings around in the bowl.


    Scrub the diamond earrings gently, using a soft toothbrush. Get into the areas between the diamonds and the prongs that hold the diamonds and around the earring posts. Scrub the earrings until they shine.


    Rinse the earrings in warm water. Lay the earrings on a soft cloth, in a safe place, until they are dry. Lightly polish the earrings with the cloth.