Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mystic topaz is not a naturally occurring stone, but rather an enhancement of clear topaz that creates a very unique look. The popularity of mystic topaz has grown in the past few years because of its beauty, versatility and affordability. While it is a very attractive stone and is sure to be admired, you must take special precautions to keep the stone's special coating from becoming scratched or damaged.

How Mystic Topaz is Created

    Mystic topaz is created by treating clear, colorless topaz with a thin coating of titanium atoms. This causes the stone to reflect rainbows of color, somewhat like when light is seen through a prism.

Features of Mystic Topaz

    Mystic topaz is recognized by its rainbow of iridescent colors. While some mystic stones can be primarily one color, most have a rainbow of various blues, greens, reds and yellows.

Uses of Mystic Topaz

    Mystic topaz is used predominantly in ornamental jewelry. It is most commonly found in rings, but can also be set in necklaces, bracelets and other types of jewelry.

Other Common Names of Mystic Topaz

    Mystic topaz comes in thirty varieties and can also be called mystic fire topaz, Caribbean topaz, rainbow topaz and titanium topaz.

Cleaning your Mystic Topaz

    In order to keep your mystic topaz clean and free from damage, use only a cleaner that is safe for pearls or opals or use a mild soap and water rinse.

Potential Problems with Mystic Topaz

    The enhanced coating on your mystic topaz can be easily damaged, so exposure to abrasive cloths, boiling water and ultrasonic cleaners should be avoided.


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