Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Puzzle rings, also known as Turkish wedding bands, are said to have originated in Turkey. A nobleman wanted to know if his wife was being faithful, so he gave her a ring that would fall apart if she removed it. Since she didn't know the instructions to put it back together, he would be able to catch her infidelity. There are many sizes of puzzle rings, each with its own set of instructions, but the most common is the four-band ring.



    Grasp the two outside bands using the thumbs and forefingers of both hands. The outside bands are rounded on one side and have two very prominent points. The two crossing bands have a more rounded point.


    Bring the two outer bands together so they form the shape of a diamond. Hold the pair together and then grasp the two crossing bands underneath with the other hand.


    Drop the two outer bands to one side (either left or right.) You are now holding the two crossing bands and the other two bands are dangling underneath.


    Identify which of the crossing bands is placed on top of the other. To determine the top crossing band, look for the band that is entirely smooth.


    Hold onto the bottom crossing band and allow the other band to drop with the other two bands. Grasp the top crossing band and turn it counter clockwise so the two bands fit snugly together to form a figure eight. The two top bands will be trapped between the holes of the figure eight.


    Choose the widest angled band and turn the pointed tip into the hole of the figure eight. You will then be able to place the bottom of the band in line with the other two crossing bands.


    Feed the other point through the figure eight and pull the band so that it aligns with the rest to form your puzzle ring.


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