Sunday, May 1, 2016

Care of Moonstone

Moonstone, which comes in a variety of colors including pink, green, brown, yellow or colorless, is a naturally occurring rock found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Mexico and the United States. This rock is prized by women for its mystically protective properties and others for its purported good luck. The proper care and cleaning of a moonstone rock or piece of jewelry will ensure that it is not scratched or damaged.




    Prepare a solution of 1 cup water and 1 tablespoon mild dish detergent. A mild detergent contains no dyes or perfumes.


    Place the moonstone piece into the soapy water and allow it to soak for 2 to 5 minutes.


    Remove the moonstone jewelry and gently rub it with a soft-bristled toothbrush. This will remove any dirt or grime from the piece.


    Dry off the moonstone with a soft cloth.

General Care and Storage


    Remove any moonstone jewelry when performing any household cleaning, heavy lifting, showering or sleeping. Moonstone is a relatively soft gem and will scratch easily.


    Store the moonstone jewelry separately in a small plastic bag, velvet sachet or its own drawer or compartment in a velvet- or felt-lined jewelry box. Never store moonstone with another piece of jewelry as this could lead to a scratch on the delicate stone's surface.


    Contact a jeweler to polish away any scratches or renew the luster of the moonstone.


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