Saturday, May 7, 2016

Creating your own jewelry is an exciting way to express your artistic ability and personality. One of the most difficult and rewarding items to create is a ring. Not only is forging the metal tough, but equally hard is setting the gem. You must have a tight fit so the gem does not fall out.



    Seek out a gem that will neatly fit within your rings setting. While many people enjoy large stones, you must have a ring that can handle its capacity. Do research on what size and cut of gems fit best in the setting you have. This will save the heartache of losing the gem later because it didn't fit properly.


    Set up a work station in order to properly install the gem into your ring. This means you should have a magnifying glass set up, so you do not need to use your hands to see through it properly. In addition, a lot of lighting is necessary. Set this up on a table or counter-top in order to add stability.


    Use a pair of tweezers to gently set the stone in the ring. Using the magnifying glass. You can adjust the stone so that it is not crooked and all of the prongs will properly meet the stone so it stays in place.


    Bend the rings prongs in order to lock the gem in place. The prongs must be tight, so the gem will not unknowingly fall out of the place setting.


    Check the fit of the gem in the ring using the tweezers and the magnifying glass. Try to pull the stone out of the setting. If it moves even slightly, tighten the prongs.


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