Thursday, October 25, 2018

Luna Lovegood is an eccentric, wide-eyed school girl from the Harry Potter series. When making a Luna costume, radish or dirigible plum earrings are essential to completing the costume. Whether for Halloween, conventions or just playing dress-up, these earrings add the finishing touch to a Luna costume.



    Separate each color of clay into equal halves and roll them into balls. The orange balls need to be slightly larger than the white balls and the white slightly larger than the green.


    Stick one white ball to the bottom of the orange ball. Roll the balls in your hand to get one ball that is mostly orange with a white bottom. Repeat for the other white and orange balls.


    Squeeze the white part of an orange/white ball into a cone shape. Roll the tip of the cone in your hand to form the root. Repeat for the other orange/white ball.


    Split a ball of green clay into 3 sections. 1 section must be larger than the other 2. Form the green into 3 cone-shaped leaves.


    Place the leaves together, with the large leaf in the middle. Roll the bottom of the leaves together to make the stem. Place the stem onto the top of the orange ball.


    Poke a hole through the middle leaf with a pin. Feed the wire through the hole in the leafs. Repeat for the other green clay leaves.


    Attach to the bottom of the earring to the wire. Wrap the wire around the bottom multiple times to secure it.


    Hang the earrings from a rack in the oven and bake the clay as recommended on the clay's packaging. Different brands of clay have different instructions.


    Remove from the oven and let cool. Wear them with pride as Luna would.


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