Monday, October 15, 2018

How to Identify Fake Diamonds

Whether it be for an engagement ring, anniversary present or as a simple token of love, buying a diamond can be a lengthy process. Learning how to identify fake diamonds prevents you from becoming the victim of a jewelry scam and ensures that you are receiving only the highest quality stone for your money. Fake diamonds circulate freely in the jewelry market. Knowing how to spot a fake one is necessary for anyone who wants to purchase a diamond.



    Ask for details. Knowledgeable jewelers should provide you with details about the quality of the stone in terms of the cut, color and clarity. Reputable jewelers will often allow you to inspect the stone using a jewelers loupe. The loupe allows you to see small imperfections that are characteristic of natural diamonds.


    Perform a reflection color test. Hold the stone up to light to see what colors are reflected. Diamonds sparkle in shades of gray, while other stones will reflect rainbow colors.


    Look for damage. Diamonds are one of the strongest and most durable stones on the market. If you can see nicks and scratches on the stone, it is most likely not a diamond.


    Breathe on the stone to perform a fog test. Because diamonds quickly disperse heat, the fog of your breath should disappear immediately. A fake stone will stay fogged for several seconds.


    Appraise your diamond. Take your diamond to a licensed appraiser to receive a certificate of authenticity.


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