Saturday, October 6, 2018

How do I Remove a Starter From a Labret Stud?

A labret is a piercing that resides just below the center of the bottom lip. When individuals receive this piercing, piercing professionals tend to provide them with a slightly oversized barbell to compensate for any swelling that may occur, or with an unthreaded piercing ring to prevent any irritation caused by screws. However, these "starter" pieces of jewelry are generally not what wearers ultimately want. That said, it is important to not take the piercing out too soon, as the area can close within minutes if it has not properly healed.



    Ensure that your piercing is completely healed before beginning. If it still feels tender, then the existing jewelry is not ready to come out. If you proceed anyway, you risk prolonging the healing process and adding to the piercing's trauma. Consult your piercer if you are unsure.


    Rinse your mouth with saline solution for 30 seconds, then wash your hands and the piercing. Dry your face and hands well before putting on the latex gloves.


    Grip the flat head of the stud and the front screw firmly with your fingertips and unscrew the two pieces. You may find that this is most easily done in front of a mirror. If you are still over your sink, be sure to close the stopper in case you happen to drop one of the labret's pieces


    Open the packaging for the new labret and unscrew it so it is ready for insertion. Gently remove the starter labret and set it aside. Insert the new labret as quickly and gently as possible, as leaving a recent piercing open for too long can result in its closure.


    Continue to wash the piercing daily to reduce the risk of infection.


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