Sunday, March 25, 2018

How to Test Fake Diamonds

Purchasing a diamond can be a very rewarding, if terrifying, experience. The diamonds found in cuff links, engagement rings and pendants come in a variety of sizes and can all be quite expensive. It can be difficult to distinguish a real diamond from a fake, which can be a potentially costly error in judgment. But there are several ways to distinguish an artificial diamond from the real thing.



    Look at the reflection of light in the diamond. A real diamond will typically show different shades of gray in the light. A fake or low quality diamond will reflect a rainbow of colors.


    Raise the stone to your mouth and blow on it for one to two seconds. Quickly observe the diamond. If it remains foggy for several seconds afterward, it is a fake. A real diamond will clear immediately.


    Place the diamond upside down, so that the pointed end is facing the ceiling and hold it directly over a newspaper. If you can read the print or make out the black coloring, the stone is most likely an artificial diamond.


    View the diamond from the side. A real diamond will sparkle and shine from every angle. If the diamond is shiny at the top, but dull around the sides, it is most likely a fake.


    Look at the price of the stone. Cubic Zirconium, or CZ, costs a fraction of the price of a real diamond. If the price of the stone or setting is unusually low, there is a good chance it is a fake stone. A cubic zirconium may also bear the stamp "CZ", which is another indication the stone is not a real diamond.


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