Friday, March 30, 2018

How to Make a Double Braided Hemp Bracelet

Hemp is an all-natural crafting material used in a variety of products, from bags to jewelry. A double braided bracelet features a pair of French braided chains of hemp joined together at their ends using a single clasp. Once completed the double braided bracelet creates an attractive accessory for the wrist which looks more complicated to craft than it actually is.



    Fold the cords in half and then tie a knot using all six loose ends approximately 1/2 inch from the fold in the cords.


    Separate the cords into two groups of three cords.


    Pass the right cord of one group over the middle cord to become the new middle cord, then the left cord in the same group over the new middle cord to take its place as middle cord. Pull the current left and right cords apart to tighten the French braid stitch.


    Repeat the French braid stitch with the three cords until the braid is approximately 1 inch shorter than the required bracelet length. The clasp pieces will provide the remaining bracelet length.


    French braid the remaining three cords to make a matching second braid.


    Hold the loose ends of the two braids together and secure with a knot snug against the end of the two braids. Snip the loose ends approximately 1/2 inch after the knot.


    Slip one half of a crimp on clasp over the cord from the fold to the first knot, and the second half over the loose ends after the second knot.


    Crimp the clasps using a pair of pliers.


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