Friday, March 23, 2018

Friendship bracelets are a type of string craft where knots of different-colored strings are tied together to create a broad, flat bracelet. Altering the type of knots and the order of your knots changes the shape of the resulting bracelet. A diagonal friendship bracelet uses a simple knot style that yields a bracelet with alternating diagonal bars in the colors of the strings used. This is an excellent craft for an individual who is inexperienced with friendship bracelet tying.



    Tie the four strings (you can use emrboidery thread or yarn) together in an overhand knot so that the strands hang side-by-side.


    Take the the left string in your hand, and drape it across the second from left string. Bring it behind the same string and through the loop you just created. Pull the string tight. Repeat a second time around the same string.


    Tie a knot using the same string, but wrapping it around the third string from the left this time, then repeat for a second knot around the third string.


    Tie a knot using the same string, but wrapping it around the right string this time, then repeat for a second knot around the right string. The left string will have now moved to become the new right string, while the other three strings will have moved one spot to the left.


    Repeat the braid with the new left string, continuing to tie each left string across the pattern until you have a bracelet of your desired length.


    Tie an overhand knot with all four laces to secure the braid.


    Wrap the bracelet around the recipient's wrist, tie the loose ends on both sides of the braid in a double knot, then cut off any excess string.


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