Sunday, June 5, 2016

How to Put on the Bead of a Lip Ring

Round lip rings with a bead in the center are known as captive bead rings. They consist of a round body ring with an opening and a bead with two indentations, one on either side. When the bead is in place it camouflages the ring opening and makes it look like it is all one piece.



    Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water. Piercings can get infected, so use good hygiene when dealing with them.


    Soak your lip ring and bead in hydrogen peroxide for five minutes. This will kill any germs that may be on the surface, helping to prevent an infection in your piercing site.


    Place one end of the ring at the hole in your lip. Slide the ring through the lip until the end comes out the other side of the hole. You will have a ring through your lip with the two ends in the front of your lip.


    Grasp the ring gently with one hand and the bead with the other. Place the bead so one indentation has one end of the ring in the middle of it. Push the bead backward toward your lip so that the second end of the ring slides along the bead surface and snaps down into the indentation. The bead will now be held in place by the pressure of the two ends of the ring squeezing it.


    Squeeze together the ends of the ring gently if the bead seems loose enough to fall out. You want the bead to be secure but loose enough to be easily removed the next time you need to remove your jewelry.


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