Thursday, June 30, 2016

How to Compare Diamond Anniversary Bands

"A diamond is forever," the saying goes. It's no wonder that men are often in the market for this precious stone. When comparing the quality of one anniversary band to another, the four Cs are essential.


    Contrary to popular belief, carat weight is not the most important factor when buying a diamond--cut is. Bands come in a variety of cuts including the marquise, heart, pear, princess, trillion and radiant. Don't confuse cut with shape. Shape is simply the outward appearance. An ideal cut allows light to enter the diamond and reflect back out. Princess, trillion and radiant cuts provide the most sparkle.


    Clarity refers to the number, size and visibility of a diamond's blemishes. Be sure that the diamond band you are considering has a grade of SI1, as this ensures there are no visible blemishes.

Carat Weight

    One carat is equal to 200 milligrams, or 0.2 grams. The larger the carat weight, the larger the individual stones along the channel band. Do not compromise the quality of the diamond for carat weight.


    Colors range from "D" which is yellow to "Z" which is virtually colorless. The color is permanent--it will never fade or change over time. Diamond bands that are graded "G" through "I" show virtually no color that is visible to the untrained eye.


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