Sunday, June 5, 2016

How to Design Your Own College Class Ring

A college class ring can mean even more than a high school class ring. College requires a maturity, studiousness, and devotion that just wasn't needed in high school. This can add a significant meaning to the college class ring you design.



    Decide if you want a traditional looking college class ring or if you would like to completely create a design that is nothing like what anyone else will have.


    Search the internet and jewelry stores in your town for ideas. You can look at class ring websites but you can also look at regular jewelry sites for ideas.


    Think about what metal you would like to have your ring made out of and how often you will be wearing it. You may wear silver every day but gold for special occasions. If you are only going to wear your ring for nights out or events you may then consider going with gold.


    Consider what you would like on your ring. A traditional ring may have a sport or academic symbol with your graduation year stamped on the side. A non traditional ring may be simpler with the gem or stone of your choice and the name of your school engraved on the inside of the band. If you can make a sketch or gather images of jewelry as examples of what you would like your class ring to look like.


    Find a place able to design your college class ring. There are several companies that specialize in traditional class rings but don't forget to visit your local jeweler to see what options they have, especially in non traditional rings.


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