Monday, June 27, 2016

How to Clasp Fabric-Braided Bracelets

Fabric bracelets are a great way to upcycle everything from old shirts and braided belts to handkerchiefs and more. Peruse any bead shop locally or online, and you'll discover thousands of choices in endcaps and clasping options. These beads are the key to securing your carefully created fabric bracelet, as is securing them properly so your creation stays on your wrist.



    Trim any excess frayed fabric from each end of the bracelet.


    Twist the end of the bracelet tightly, making it easier to insert it into the endcap.


    Apply a pea-size dab of fabric or super glue to the tip of the bracelet. The glue shouldn't squishes out from under the endcap once you push it on.


    Slide the endcap over the end of the bracelet. It may be necessary to apply a slight twisting motion in the direction of the fabric's twist to get it to seat fully.


    Gently bend open the small ring -- known as jump rings -- that will loop through the end of the endcap and through your lobster claw clasp, using your needle-nose pliers.


    Loop the jump ring through the small hole on the tip of one of the endcaps. Slip the lobster claw clasp onto the ring while it's still open. Squeeze the ring shut with your pliers.


    Add the second endcap on the other end of the bracelet. Slip on another jump ring to this end, if necessary, to provide a longer overall bracelet length, or just to make it easier to clasp.


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