Thursday, October 4, 2018

How to Treat Sapphires

Sapphires brings to mind a variety of blue shades; but, according to the American Gem Trade Association, these precious gemstones also come in gold, reddish-orange, violet and pale white. Whatever color, sapphires are a popular choice for jewelry. However, although they are considered durable, sapphires must be treated carefully in order to maintain their beauty.



    Protect sapphires. The American Gem Trade Association recommends removing the sapphire before engaging in sports, doing housework, yard work or any activity where the jewelry could be damaged. Although they are hard stones, under the right circumstances, sapphires can be chipped.


    Wipe the sapphire with a moist cloth after each wearing. This removes surface dirt and body oils that may have gotten on the jewel while wearing it.


    Clean the sapphire. Fill a container with water; don't use the sink to clean jewelry to prevent accidentally losing them down the drain. Add a few drops of mild liquid soap to the water and swish to mix. Add the sapphire and allow it to soak for several minutes in the soapy water. Use a soft, non-metallic brush to gently clean under the stone. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly under running water and place it on a soft cloth to dry.


    Store sapphires separate from other jewelry. This can be done by placing them in a separate section in a jewelry box, using a fabric pouch or wrapping the sapphire in a soft cloth before storing in the jewelry box. This prevents the hard sapphire from accidentally scratching softer gemstones and metals.


    Take the sapphire jewelry to the jeweler periodically. The jeweler can inspect the gem and setting and to give the jewelry a thorough cleaning.


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