Sunday, February 18, 2018

How to Make Tear Drop Earrings

Tear drop earrings can be one of the simplest jewelry designs to create. That makes it a great project for a beginning jewelry maker or someone looking for a quick project. Tear drop earrings hang from the ear with a narrowed top and wider bottom. Choose from a variety of bead shapes and colors to make your earrings unique.



    Take one headpin in your hand. Hold it with the flat-headed side on the bottom.


    Slide the beads of your choice onto the head pin. Experiment with different colors and styles. Use smaller spacer beads to break up the colored beads if you'd like. Use one large teardrop-shaped bead or set a larger bead on the bottom and top it with a smaller bead or two to create a similar teardrop-effect. Leave enough space at the top of the head pin to bend it into a small loop.


    Create a loop at the top of the headpin. Use a pair of round-nose pliers to bend the head-pin at a 90-degree angle. Bend the head pin over to meet itself and complete the loop. Cut the end of the wire if it is too long for the loop.


    Attach an earwire or post to the loop. Use flat-nosed pliers to re-open the loop just enough to allow the earwire or earpost to slip on.


    Follow steps 1 through 4 for the second earring to make a matching pair.


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