Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How to Make a Ring and Find the Correct Size

Anyone who can bend metal can make a fashion ring. Creating rings the proper size requires a few more tools and some planning. Not to worry; the tools and planning actually makes ring-making easier, as they give you a place to start with forming the circle itself. You'll be able to make custom gifts for loved ones without worrying whether or not they're going to fit. Semi-professional ring makers will also be able to make rings to fit their customers without any problems.



    Wrap a flexible measuring tape around the finger you want your ring to fit. Make sure to use the metric side and measure in millimeters. Make a small pen mark on the spot where the tape overlaps and match the resulting measurement to the measurements on ring size chart.


    Saw off the bowl of an ordinary metal spoon (preferably with a decorative handle)with a hacksaw. Grip the handle with two pairs of pliers, placing one at the cut end and one about 2 inches farther down the handle.


    Hold the metal between your pliers over the flame of your free-standing butane torch. When the metal turns red-hot, bend it into a slight curve. Quickly place this curve over the correct-size number on your ring mandrel. A ring mandrel is a tapered rod widening from about ring size one to about ring-size 13.


    Twist your pliers to bend the handle around the mandrel, pulling it relatively snug. When the steel cools, heat and bend it around the mandrel again, continuing until the handle is completely coiled into a ring.


    Plunge the ring into cool water and let it cool in the air for a few minutes. Dry the metal and rub it with a little steel wool to remove black scorch marks and make your ring nice and shiny.


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