Tuesday, November 6, 2018

How to Buy Quality Fire Opals

Fire opals are sometimes called Mexican fire opals or simply Mexican opals because the finest specimens are most frequently found embedded in volcanic rock formations near the Yucatan Peninsula in Southern Mexico. The quality of fire opals can be determined by considering several factors.



    Consider stability. Fire opals are notoriously fragile and prone to crack within just a few months of wear. Because of this, many reputable fire opal retailers will keep the stone for at least a year before selling it and may offer a guarantee against natural cracks and fissures.


    Consider color. Color is one of the most important features in determining the value of a fire opal. Fire opals may run the gamut from deep red to orange to yellow. Red stones are typically the most stable, though red-orange is a more desirable color. The more rich and lively the color, the better. Unlike standard opals, flashes of color play are not as common, so a fire opal without color play is still valuable. However, stones with red, orange, yellow, or even a blue color play flash in the light can be considered particularly valuable. Observe the stone under both natural and unnatural (florescent) light in order to judge its appearance.


    Consider the clarity. Clarity refers to the clearness and brightness of the stone. Clear stones without inclusions are the most valuable.


    Consider the size. The carat size of an opal can increase its value. Be sure that the stone has good depth and can withstand being set in jewelry.


    Consider the cut. Cabochons with good color play are generally more valuable than faceted fire opals.


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