Thursday, January 4, 2018

Differences Between Rubies & Garnets

Is a particular red gemstone a ruby or a garnet? It makes a difference, especially in price. Often, cheap jewelry sold as a ruby might contain garnet stones, which are more plentiful and, therefore, not as costly.


    Before 1800, rubies and garnets were classified in the same gemological category. Casual observers find it difficult to distinguish the two.

The Facts

    Rubies have long been considered one of the most valuable gemstones. Factors such as brilliant red color, hardness and rarity contribute to that recognition.


    The ruby has a less expensive cousin--garnet. Garnets are not quite as hard. Their color is primarily red but can range to green, orange and earth tones.


    With practice, you can differentiate rubies and garnets by looking through them closely toward a light source. The resulting rainbow differs depending upon the stone.


    In addition to decorative purposes, garnets are used as abrasives in industry. High-value rubies are intended solely for jewelry.


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