Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What Is the Meaning of Pearls?

Like all precious gemstones, pearls have a special symbolic meaning. They have been considered both lucky and unlucky for brides, and have symbolized purity, chastity, humility and innocence. Some have even claimed the pearl represents Jesus Christ.


    Pearls are the oldest known gemstone. They are made by oysters and mollusks from a single grain of sand.


    According to Crystal-Cure.com, pearls were once thought to be the "teardrops of the moon." For many years it was considered unlucky for a bride to wear pearls because they so closely resemble human tears.

Purity and Chastity

    Because pearls often represent purity and chastity, over time they shed their unlucky image and became associated with brides. Today we often use pearls to adorn wedding gowns.


    Pearls symbolize humility and innocence because they begin life as a humble grain of sand that is transformed into a beautiful gem.

Religious Meaning

    KariPearls.com states St. Augustine declared that the pearl represented Jesus Christ, since it was not included in the 12 gemstones used to symbolize the 12 Apostles.

Zodiac and Birthstones

    Pearls are associated with the zodiac signs of Gemini and Cancer. They are the traditional birthstone of June, but Crystal-Cure.com claims they are also associated with February, April, July and November.


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