Friday, August 5, 2016

How to Tell If a Stone Is a Diamond

Many people assume that a diamond is a clear, transparent stone. But diamonds come in a variety of colors such as blue, pink and champagne. White diamonds are the most common diamonds sold. Cubic Zirconia is a fake, man-made diamond substitute, produced in laboratories. It's worth your time to do some research and know how to tell between a fake and the real thing.



    Place the diamond on top of a printed piece of paper such as a newspaper. The stone likely is not a diamond if you can see any of the print, even vague black shapes, through the top of the stone.


    Hold the stone up to a light and notice the reflecting color. You have a white diamond if it reflects white lite. Cubic zirconias reflect a spectrum of colors.


    Breathe on the stone. The stone is a diamond if your breath does not fog up the stone. Diamonds don't hold any moisture, but other stones do. If your breath fogs up the stone for more than three seconds, it is not a diamond.


    Use a magnifying lens to look at how the facets of the stone are cut. If your diamond is cut, the facets should come together at point. Other stones will be cut and have beveled or slightly rounded edges.


    Get your diamond appraised. Take the stone to be appraised by a certified jeweler other than the one from which you bought it. A certified diamond appraiser can issue a certification document for your records.


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