Monday, December 2, 2013

How to Determine the Worth of a Diamond Ring

A diamond has traditionally been the symbol of love, starting with the ancient Greeks and continuing to modern times. Diamonds are also the hardest known substances on the earth and are rare, which makes them valuable. The price of diamonds, like many other precious metals and stones, is always changing. Many subtle properties of a diamond ring, such as symmetry, clarity and the quality of the cut, will determine a diamond ring's worth, and it is usually best to consult an expert.



    Find a jeweler, either online, in the phone book or from the recommendation of friends and go to their place of business with the diamond ring.


    Ask the jeweler to give you an assessment of the diamond ring's worth. Many jewelers sell rings and other jewelry on consignment, and will be able to give you a good idea of the ring's worth.


    Consult several other jewelers on the value of the ring. Get a second and even third opinion.


    Add all the prices you got together and divide them by the number of prices you obtained to reach the average price. This is the likely worth of the diamond ring. Keep in mind that if the ring is sold on consignment, the jeweler will take a percentage of the sale price.


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