Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Copper jewelry is beautiful, inexpensive in comparison to gold and can be formed into many shapes and styles. When made into jewelry, the copper metal is soft and must be cared for properly to keep its shape and natural look.


Caring for Copper Jewelry


    Keep your copper jewelry in a cool, dry place. Copper naturally darkens over time, and heat will cause the natural patina to occur faster. Place on an anti-tarnish cloth or in a resealable bag to keep air out.


    Remove copper jewelry before getting into any water. This includes swimming, washing hands and dishes and bathing.


    Remove copper jewelry before applying lotion or oil. The lubricants will coat the metal and cause it to tarnish and darken.


    Remove copper jewelry before going to sleep. The metal is soft and may bend as you turn during the night.


    Use a polishing cloth for everyday cleaning. Rub the surface with enough force to clean but not to bend the metal.


    Use a commercial polish or tarnish remover for a deeper cleaning. Apply with a clean, soft cloth, buff, rinse with water and dry. Wear gloves when using tarnish remover.

Homemade Copper Cleaner


    Mix a natural copper cleaner by boiling water in a 2-quart pot. Dissolve 1 tbsp. salt and 1 cup vinegar in the water. Dip jewelry in to remove discoloration, then rinse and dry.


    Make a paste of lemon juice and salt for concentrated cleaning. Rub with a soft cloth, then rinse and dry.


    Mix flour with lemon juice and salt to create a thicker paste. This will allow the paste to be applied and soak on area-specific spots


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