Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How to Cut a Sapphire Cabochon

When it comes to cutting gems, dozens of options allow you to prep gems for jewelry, this includes the style known as "Cabochon." Cabochon is easily identified by its rounded or ellipse shape that can come in various sizes and be placed in several different settings. Typically used on opaque gems, it is best to use gems that are a level seven or higher on Mohs hardness scale, including sapphires.



    Find a cabochon template in the size and shape you want the gem cut. Some templates are purchasable while others are free and can be printed off. Either way, select a template that is right for how you want the gem to turn out.


    Place the template onto the gem, preferably on the flattest side, and trace the shape using a pencil, which prevents permanent marks from getting on the gem.


    Cut the shape of the template using a trim saw (or diamond blade saw.) Make your cuts a little further away from the line you drew. This will give you room to shape and sand the gem without making it smaller than you intended.


    Fix the bottom of the cut gem onto a wooden dowel, holding it into place with the tip of your finger on top of the gem. Pour wax around the edges of the gem where it meets the wooden dowel; this will fix the gem in place for polishing once it cools.


    Place the wooden dowel into a vice to hold both it and the gem in place. Sand down the gem to the template line using a belt sander. Move the sander around the gem to create the shape that matches the template, creating rounded edges that slope towards the top of the gem. After the shape is complete, use the sander to buff and polish the gem.


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