Sunday, February 11, 2018

How to Tie an Adjustable Rope Bracelet

Adjustable rope bracelets, a favorite craft of jewelry-minded creators, can be made of embroidery floss, hemp or other sturdy material. When properly made, an adjustable rope bracelet can be sized specifically for the person wearing it without leaving excess rope dangling on the wrist. Two intricate slip knots make the bracelet adjustable once the body of the bracelet has been created.



    Place your rope bracelet on a flat surface. Form it into a circle with the two ends overlapping and lying parallel to each other.


    Fold your 12-inch rope strand in half to create a loop in the center. Set the loop over the parallel ends of the rope bracelet. Cross the ends of the 12-inch rope strand so they form an "X."


    Slip one end of the 12-inch strand beneath the two parallel ends and pull it through the loop. Pull both ends of the strand to tighten. When done correctly, this will resemble the tie on a shoelace.


    Create another loop with the 12-inch strand on the opposite side of the knot you just created. Slip the other end of the strand beneath the parallel ends of the bracelet and pull it tight to create another knot.


    Repeat the entire process three to five times. This will create three to five loops that slide along the parallel edges of your adjustable rope bracelet.


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