Thursday, May 18, 2017

How to Sell Your Scrap Gold Jewelry

With the economy getting weaker and weaker everyday, people are searching for ways to bring in extra cash. One method for making extra cash is by selling your scrap jewelery. There are places on the internet that will buy your scrap jewelery and send you a check in the mail. This article will teach you how to sell your scrap jewelery online in easy to understand steps.



    Sell Your Scrap Gold Jewelery.

    The first step to selling your scrap gold jewelery online is to go to the google search engine and do a search for "sell my scrap gold jewelery".


    Next, once you have searched for places that will buy scrap gold jewelery, the google search engine will show you the results for different websites that will buy your scrap gold jewelery. Look for the more popular scrap gold buying companies like "" or "".


    Next, when you find the scrap gold buying website that you want, go to the website and fill out the information so that the company will send you a gold pack or gold kit. The pack or kit will consist of a packet of information and a secure plastic bag for you to send your scrap gold back to the buyer in a pre-paid envelope.


    Next, take your scrap gold jewelery and put it in the provided bag and choose if you want the gold buying company to send you a check or direct deposit the money in your bank account. Then seal the plastic bag that has your scrap gold in it and place it into the pre-paid envelope and mail it back to the scrap gold buyer.


    Lastly, once the scrap gold buying company receives and processes your scrap gold, they will cut you a check and send it to you or direct deposit the check into your bank account. Depending on the option that you chose.