Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How to Make Cascades on Earrings

Cascade earrings dress up day wear and are the perfect accessory to any dress. Jewelry-making hobbyists will enjoy the opportunity for creativity in design and color combinations. Homemade cascade earrings are excellent gifts for friends, family, coworkers and your children's teacher. Materials are relatively inexpensive, and the project is easy to finish in an afternoon of free time. Jewelry lovers may wish to substitute metal pieces for beads or design earrings to match every outfit in their wardrobe.



    Cut the 22-gauge wire and the curb chain in half, using wire cutters.


    Place a teardrop bead onto each section of wire. Slide to within one inch of the edge and cross the wires. Twist with pliers to secure, and snip the excess off of the short end.


    Turn the long end of the wire to form a loop with your pliers. Thread the last curb chain link onto the wire. Twist the wire around itself and the top of the teardrop bead several times to hold the earring together. Cut off any excess wire.


    Slide each bead onto a headpin and secure at the end of the pin by bending the wire into a tight loop directly above the bead, using your pliers.


    Thread the beads through the curb chain loops to create the beaded cascade. Twist headpin wire through the chain links to secure and cut off excess wire. Cut off any additional chain loops.


    Attach an earring hook to the last loop of each curb chain. Close the hook tightly around the chain loop.


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