Friday, May 19, 2017

Pearls are classified by their origin. They are then graded by their size, shape, thickness, color, luster, clarity and conformity to each other. Cultured and shell pearls actually come in a rainbow of colors from white to black, and color choice is often a personal preference. Brown shell pearls have become very popular.


    Shell pearls are faux pearls. This means that they are synthetic or imitation pearls. However, make no mistake: These pearls can be just as attractive and sought after as real pearls, and sometimes as expensive.


    Pearls are by nature extremely porous, soft, and less durable than most gems. Shell pearls are constructed from oyster shells and ground into a fine powder. After a lengthy process, they are formed into perfect pearl shapes and then dyed myriad colors.


    Shell pearls are also made from mother of pearls, the hard inner layer of mollusks. They are then cut, rounded, shaped, drilled and strung. They are later framed and dyed various shades. After the pearls are baked and polished, they receive their final stringing.


    Brown shell pearls are available in necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. Brown shell pearl jewelry is stunning when strung all alone, or when strung with other pearl colors for a versatile and distinctive creation.


    The shades of brown shell pearls can range from a light bronze to a deep, almost black, color.

Fun Facts

    It is not always easy to tell a real pearl from a shell pearl, even with a trained eye. Pearls are believed to bring love, money, protection, wisdom and luck. They are also presented to cement engagements and other relationships.


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