Monday, March 6, 2017

A Guide to the Clarity of Diamonds

When choosing a diamond, you must look at several factors called the 4 Cs: cut, carat, color and clarity. Clarity is measured by the size and number of flaws inside a stone. Nearly all diamonds have a degree of imperfection, but many are so microscopic that they are indiscernible to the average eye, and make very little impact on a diamond's appearance.



    FL, IF

    Flawless (FL) means that the diamond has no internal or external flaws. Internally Flawless (IF) means there are no internal blemishes and very slight external blemishes, which can be removed by polishing. These diamonds are quite rare and very expensive.



    Very, Very Slightly Included diamonds contain flaws that are extremely difficult to detect, even under magnification. These diamonds are excellent quality and also expensive.



    Very Slightly Included diamonds also have blemishes that are difficult to detect without a magnifying tool, but to a lesser degree. They are cheaper than the VVS1 and VVS2 grade diamonds.


    SI1, SI2

    Slightly Included stones have visible inclusions, which may be detected by the naked eye. These flaws may consist of small clouds, crystals, knots or feathers. Most jewelers recommend purchasing these diamonds, as they have the best value for the price. It is the most popular clarity grade for consumers.


    I1, I2, I3

    Included diamonds usually contain noticeable imperfections, such as feathers or crystals, which can be seen by the naked eye. These flaws may adversely affect the brilliance of the stone and are usually not recommended for purchase.


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