Saturday, January 9, 2016

How to Clean Diamond Earrings

Diamonds are a girl's best friend and to keep them shiny and sparkly, it's best to clean them on a regular basis. Diamond earrings can get dingy and dirty from even occasional use as lotions, powders and the oil from your skin can cover them with a thin film and build up gunk in the corners and crevices.



    Mix two parts warm water with one part ammonia or if you want to avoid ammonia, mix the water with a mild liquid dishwashing detergent or baking soda. Stir the mixture and drop your diamond earrings into it to let them soak for 10 minutes. Remove them from the mixture and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the diamonds and studs and remove any traces of gunk. Rinse them off and pat them dry with a microfiber cloth.


    Purchase a cleaner made specifically for jewelry. You can usually find a container with a screw-on lid that comes with jewelry cleaner inside. Unscrew the lid and place your diamond earrings on the small tray inside the container. Tighten the lid and shake as described in the directions on the container. Remove your jewelry when you are finished and pat it gently with a microfiber cloth.


    Take your diamond earrings to a jewelry store or a professional jeweler. They have a special machine that cleans the diamonds better than any product on the market. Regular visits ensure that your diamonds look shiny and new all the time.


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