Saturday, March 21, 2015

Opals are beautiful stones set into rings and necklaces. A soft stone, they require special care and, more importantly, knowledge with regard to cleaning them. The key to cleaning them properly is knowing exactly the kind of opal you are cleaning. There are three main types of opals: solid opals, doublets and triplets.


    Opals should never be cleaned in ultrasonic jewelry cleaners. The vibrations in these machines have been know to cause tiny cracks in opals. The cracks then allow moisture to seep inside, and this can do serious damage to the opals.

    Opals have a small amount of moisture inside of them and therefore fare much better when kept in an environment that isn't completely dry. If your home has some moisture due to climate or perhaps a humidifier, this will help sustain the integrity of the opals.


    Using a mild detergent such as dish detergent and lukewarm water is the best way to safely clean opals. The mixture should be slightly sudsy. Dipping a soft cloth into the mixture and sponging or gently wiping the opal is the safest way to clean it. Dry it with a soft cloth or allow it to completely air dry. If it dries spotted, polishing it with a clean and soft, dry cloth should restore the luster.


    If polishing is required once the opal has been cleaned, and doing it by hand with a soft cloth doesn't seem to do the trick, take the opal to a jeweler because this could be an indicator of scratches or abrasions. A jeweler is the only one who can safely remove such imperfections without further damaging the opal.


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