Monday, December 24, 2018

How to Build a Diamond Pendant

One of the great things about jewelry is that you can design your own. A pendant is an object that hangs from a piece of jewelry, such as a necklace or earrings. Designing your own pendant is great if you want a piece of custom diamond jewelry or have a loose diamond that you want to mount. Building a diamond pendant is also a good gift idea for your mother or significant other for a special occasion because of the thought and time it takes to create a pendant. Use a professional jeweler when building a diamond pendant to make sure the stone is mounted correctly.



    Find a jeweler who creates custom diamond pendants. Jewelers know about diamond and mount setting, and can provide guidance during the pendant-building process.


    Select a pendant setting to mount the diamond. Choose the type of metal you would like use for the pendant.


    Choose the diamond you want to use for the pendant if you do not already have one. Diamonds are available in different sizes (carats), cuts and clarities, as well as a limited variety of colors such as yellow, white and blue. The more flawless a diamond and the rarer the color, the more expensive it is.


    Review and finalize details of the pendant. Make any adjustments before the jeweler begins working on it.


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