Monday, January 1, 2018

How to Back a Beadwork Necklace

Producing your own beadwork jewelry can inspire creativity and enable you to express your individuality. Even if you don't want to put the time and effort into a beadwoven jewelry project, you can still create a one-of-a-kind, do-it-yourself beaded necklace. The key is to back the necklace on felt, creating a stylish bib effect. With this technique, you escape the tediousness of bead weaving, while retaining the freedom to design your own accessory. Using inexpensive supplies makes for a project that you'll want to try more than once.



    Lay a piece of plastic wrap over your work area for surface protection. Fold the felt in half. Lay the doubled felt over the plastic wrap. Place the beads on the felt however you wish your finished necklace to look.


    Glue each bead to the felt with fabric glue. Use the small paintbrush to spread the glue. Allow the glue to dry overnight.


    Place the dinner plate or lid along the intended neck edge. Cut through the felt on the neck edge, use a rotary cutter for a clean edge. Cut the opposite side as well.


    Cut a piece of cardboard an inch smaller than the bib shape with scissors. Turn the necklace bib over, and remove the reverse/second piece of felt. Use the fabric glue to attach the cardboard to the reverse side of the necklace bib.


    Center the ribbon on the reverse top portion of the necklace. Glue the ribbon on the necklace. Center and glue the second piece of felt over the reverse side of the necklace, hiding the cardboard and ribbon gluing.


    Tie the necklace in either a small bow at the back of the neck or add choker clamp ends to the necklace if you prefer.


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