Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How to Make Custom Earrings

Having your jewelry custom-made ensures that nobody will be wearing the same items you are. However, it can be quite costly to have jewelry created to your specifications. One way to get unique jewelry at reasonable cost is to design and make it yourself. Earrings are one jewelry-making project you can do at home; with the right tools and materials, it is fairly simple to create custom earrings in a short amount of time.



    Decide what beads or stones you want for your earrings. Pearls are ideal for more dressy-looking earrings. If you want something casual, you can opt for colored beads. Just make sure that the holes on the beads are the right size for the headpin. Holes of four to eight millimeters usually work.


    Insert your beads on the two headpins. Make sure there is at least a 1/2-inch space left so you can close it off. You can cut the headpins using a wire cutter if they are too long. Close each headpin by using the round-nose pliers to make a loop. Twist the remaining headpin wire around the loop to secure it. Keep in mind that sterling silver headpins bend more easily than stainless steel.


    Attach the headpin to the ear wire by inserting it through the ear wire's pre-made loop. Close the loop using the tweezers. Sterling silver ear wires are often used, since they are easier on the ears.


    Put your newly made earrings on a backing card if you want to sell or display them. Poke two holes on a card the size of a business card. Insert the earrings through the holes and secure them using small rubber stoppers.


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