Tuesday, August 22, 2017

If you are a retailer or own a website that sells jewelry, you are probably wondering if there are custom jewelry suppliers that sell what you want to sell. Well, there are several of these companies around, and if you buy their jewelry directly, you can sell the most unique jewelry around at a discount price. Many of this custom jewelry is made over seas in countries like Thailand. It is not hard to obtain and can really improve your store's product line; here's how.



    Find a custom jewelry supplier. Log in to a business directory like ThomasNet and search their listings for jewelry suppliers, or visit online suppliers directly. Either way you are bound to find a few to your liking (see Resources below).


    Browse through the items for sale. They will offer everything from claddah rings to engagement rings, necklaces, bracelets and many more unique custom jewelry items.


    Contact the suppliers with the jewelry items you want to buy and ask them for a catalog. Tell them about your store and what you plan to sell. Develop a relationship with them.


    Purchase your jewelry from the supplier using the payment method the supplier prefers. Many will accept payments by credit card or even Paypal. Whatever their method of payment is, be sure to follow it to a tee. Always follow their payment and ordering instructions.


    Learn more about the industry and the supply chains by doing your own research. Visit the various trade shows that are held all over the world in places like Hong Kong and Rhode Island, featuring hundreds of jewelry manufacturers. It is a great place to make connections and see new types of jewelry (see Resources below).


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