Tuesday, June 20, 2017

What Is Black Rutilated Quartz?

Quartz is a gemstone that has been popular for thousands of years. One variation of quartz, black rutilated, is especially beautiful because of its eye-catching properties.


    Quartz, which is made up of silicone dioxide, is the most common mineral on the planet. It is found in a wide range of varieties and colors.


    Rutilated, in regards to gemstones, means that the stone contains the mineral rutile. Rutile is mostly composed of titanium dioxide. So rutilated quartz is quartz that contains this mineral. Rutile has a high refraction index, meaning it refracts large amounts of light. The tones of the rutile are scattered throughout the rutilated quartz, resulting in beautiful color variations in the stone. Rutile colors can include shades of red, gold, brown or black.

Black Rutilated Quartz

    In black rutilated quartz, the rutile in the quartz appears black. It does not necessarily mean the quartz itself is black. The quartz can be clear, but the lines of rutile found in the gem will be black.


    The main use for these types of stones is in jewelry, though quartz has also been used for religious practices throughout the centuries.


    Some believe that rutilized quartz can be used to help speed the healing process by strengthening the immune system. It is also said to help clear the mind and improve memory.


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