Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to Clean Antique Pearls

Pearls are prized for their luminescence and multi-colored luster. Pearls' luster is maximized when worn often because the oils from the skin react with the surface of the pearl. Thus, antique pearls that have been worn frequently have a luster than cannot be matched by new pearls and are prized even more. Cleaning antique pearls is easy to do in your own home and if done properly should not interfere with their sheen. Cleaning pearls is especially important for white pearls that can show pollution and grime easier than Tahitian black pearls.



    Place the pearls into the pantyhose.


    Fill your sink with warm water and add a few drops of the mild shampoo. Mix to dissolve the shampoo.


    Place the pantyhose with pearls into the water. Massage the pearls through the pantyhose to remove grime. Don't pull on the pearls. The strand will be more likely to break or stretch when wet.


    Rinse the pearls with clear water and remove them from the pantyhose.


    Remove as much moisture as you can with paper towels and place the strand on a dry towel until it is completely dry.


    Massage mineral oil into each pearl. Just like your skin, pearls can dry out when washed. Mineral oil prevents this.


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