Monday, December 11, 2017

What Is a Nose Retainer?

Nose piercing has been traditional in India for centuries, and was introduced to the West during the 1960's by hippies. It is now a popular form of body piercing with both men and women. A retainer is used in place of jewelery to conceal a piercing.


    Many schools and employers do not allow facial jewelery, but a nose piercing retainer is more discreet. Metal jewelery cannot be worn during an operation or MRI scan, and should be replaced with a retainer. If a nose piercing becomes irritated by wearing cheap jewelery, it is a good idea to use a retainer for a few days.


    The majority of retainers are clear plastic, making them almost invisible. They also are available in black and peach to look like a mole or pimple on the nose. Straight retainers are pushed through the piercing hole and secured from the inside, while curved retainers simply loop through and do not require any fixings.


    Most nose piercing retainers are made from acrylic or bioplast, which are non-allergenic, so will not cause irritation. They also are inexpensive.


    Nose piercings take several months to fully heal, and retainers should not be used until the healing process is completed.


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