Saturday, September 23, 2017

Diamonds are perhaps the most prized gemstones on earth. Engagement rings have become an enormous industry, and diamond mining and diamond monopolies have become subject to criticism, yet still the demand for diamonds is unceasing. With that demand have come diamond substitutes such as cubic zirconia and the Moissanite diamond. The Moissanite diamond has a fascinating history and has become a viable substitute for natural diamonds.


    Moissanite diamonds are in reality not diamonds at all. They are a mineral form of silicon carbide.


    Moissanite was discovered by, and named for, Henry Moissan, as he was studying rock samples taken from a meteor crater in Arizona in 1893.


    Moissanite diamonds are extremely rare in their natural form, found mainly in meteor craters and occasionally as inclusions in natural diamonds, and so now are produced mainly as a synthetic stone. They were first produced synthetically by Jons Jacob Borzelius.


    In reality, Moissanite diamonds are very similar to natural diamonds. Moissanite is the third-strongest substance on earth; both Moissanite and natural diamonds are formed from carbon bonds, giving them their similar strength. In terms of hardness, therefore, as well as specific gravity, luster and brilliance, natural diamonds and Moissanite diamonds are very similar.

Refraction and Color

    Many Moissanite diamonds have visible tints of yellow and green. As well, they have a higher refractive quality than natural diamonds. That quality renders their sparkle even greater, but in the eyes of some critics, is to their detriment when compared with natural diamonds.


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