Sunday, September 24, 2017

How to Choose a Yellow Diamond

Perhaps the color grade "fancy" for diamonds comes from the subtle brilliance of the yellow variety also known as canary. Canary is a popular color for yellow diamond jewelry because it reflects enough light wavelength to bring out colors in the skin tone of the wearer, without being overwhelming. Learn how to assess color in diamonds so you can purchase yellow diamond jewelry that is as "fancy as a canary."


Select Yellow Diamonds for Brilliant Good Looks


    View loose yellow diamonds before looking at finished jewelry to help you establish criteria of color, cut, clarity and carat weight.


    Establish your preference on the color scale of light to dark, depending in part on your complexion.


    Examine diamonds further for color, noticing any undertones of green, orange or brown and how these add to or detract from the stones' appeal.


    Compare the characteristics of yellow diamonds to other gemstones, such as citrine and yellow topaz, in order to understand the unique refractive qualities of diamonds. They will appear much more "dazzling" than the other gemstones.


    Evaluate your preferred diamonds for clarity and brilliance. The color should be uniform across the top of the stone, with flashes of color and light. A dull diamond indicates unwanted flaws or poor cut.


    Choose the carat weight and size that complements your features and fits your budget.


    Choose diamond jewelry with an eye on the big picture. The manner in which stone and setting interact is of great importance.


    Ask your dealer for proof of authenticity and origin of the diamond or diamonds in a jewelry setting. She is required by law to provide this.


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