Sunday, September 18, 2016

Gold is an extremely valuable commodity, especially in today's world where the value of currency is slowly decreasing. Gold jewelry symbolizes status and wealth, but there are many impersonation metals on the market today. Fortunately, these metals do not have the same physical properties as gold. You can perform simple tests to distinguish between real gold and metals that only look like gold.



    Wear the gold against your skin. If it turns the skin green, then the item is not made of pure gold.


    Hold a magnet to the item. Gold has no magnetic properties, so if the item is affected by the magnet, it isn't pure gold.


    Stick a needle into the gold. If the metal cracks, then it is not real gold. Gold is soft and malleable.


    Scratch the metal against an unglazed porcelain tile. If the metal leaves a golden yellow streak, then it is gold. If it leaves a black streak, it is most likely pyrite.


    Scratch the metal against a piece of glass. If it scratches the glass, it is not gold. Gold is softer than glass.


    Drop a small piece of the metal into hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. If the metal disintegrates, then it is not gold. Be very careful when handling any acids. They can burn through skin. Always wear gloves and protective eye wear.


    Take the gold to a jeweler. The jeweler can identify real gold and will often do so for no charge.


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