Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Although it is considered a semi-precious gem, the pearl is actually an organic material formed inside mollusks, such as oysters. Whether pearls are saltwater or freshwater, they make a special addition to any jewelry box.


    Pearls form inside an oyster or mussel when the inner lining is disturbed by a grain of sand or small stone. Calcium carbonate and chonchiolin build up around the irritant, forming a pearl. It can take years for a true pearl to form. Pearls can range in color from creamy white, yellow, green, bluish-gray to even black. Today, most pearls are cultured, which means an irritant is intentionally introduced into the oyster to produce pearls.


    Saltwater pearls come mainly from the Persian Gulf, Japan, Tahiti, Fiji and Indonesia. Freshwater pearls are found in China, France, Germany and the United States (along the Mississippi River).


    Different pearls vary in characteristics. Sometimes pearls are named for their color or place of origin. For instance, Baroque pearls are irregularly shaped, black pearls are gray to black in color, and Biwa pearls are so named for the freshwater of Lake Biwa in Japan.

Healing Properties

    Pearls are mostly used in healing women's ailments, such as hormonal imbalances, mood swings and fluid retention. They are believed to balance emotions as well as hormones.

Interesting Facts

    Pearls are said to bring about tranquility, protection and luck. They are associated with the moon and water. Pearls are the gem for the zodiac sign of Pisces and the birthstone for June.


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