Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How to Know When to Let Go of Jewelry That Has Been Handed Down

Letting go of jewelry that has been passed down to you is an emotional process. The memories associated with your old jewelry and level of attachment are unmatched, so try your best to turn what seems to be a negative into a positive. Sometimes you have no choice but to let go of your prized heirlooms.



    Let go when you are emotionally ready. If you feel like you're going to become depressed after you let go of your jewelry, wait until you know you can do so without becoming depressed.


    Let go of old jewelry when you want new jewelry. Many jewelers and pawn shops accept trades and even store credit when unloading your jewelry to them.


    Look for a seller's market in gold, diamonds, silver and precious gemstones. If the value of these metals and gems is high, you should think about selling your jewelry because it may reward you with strong financial gains.


    Pass your jewelry down to your children or other younger family members for a special occasion such as graduation or marriage. Choose people who will appreciate the jewelery and care for it accordingly.


    Let go of jewelry if you have a terminal disease. Passing jewelery on at such a time is an incredibly symbolic and emotional gesture that will heighten the significance of the jewelry.


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