Saturday, December 19, 2015

How to Care for Ammolite

Ammolite is a rare gemstone found in southern Alberta, Canada. Found in the Rocky Mountains, ammolite is created by the compacting, heating and mineralization of cretaceous fossils. Ammolite officially became a gemstone in 1981, and the gemstone is 70 million years old. Alberta's deposit in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains is the sole viable deposit in the world. Graded on color and brilliance, ammolite's beauty challenges the black opal with its color. Natural ammolite has a Mohs scale hardness of only 3.5 to 4, close to that of an opal. Ammolite can be cleaned like pearls are cleaned.



    Put your ammolite jewelry inside the pantyhose leg.


    Fill your clean kitchen sink with water and commercial pearl cleaner or a mild soap.


    Place your ammolite into the sink and gently rub the pantyhose across the ammolite until it is clean. Do not leave ammolite in any solution for more than 20 minutes.


    Remove the ammolite from the bag and drain the sink.


    Rinse your ammolite with clean water until all soap residue is removed.


    Gently wrap the towel around your ammolite to absorb the water. Do not rub the ammolite with the towel; just wrap it to remove excess water. Allow your ammolite to dry completely in a safe place. You can leave the ammolite on top of the towel during air-drying.


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