Monday, June 17, 2013

How to Create a Hip-Hop Charm & Order it

Rappers and professional athletes popularized the oversized, diamond-encrusted charms and pendants so often associated with the hip-hop lifestyle. Many of these charms are very expensive; however, there are a fair amount that can be had for reasonable prices. The Internet has made it possible to order a personalized item from virtually anywhere in the world with a few clicks of a mouse. Many companies specialize in jewelry customization, and your choices are limited only by your imagination and your budget.



    Visit one of the many hip-hop jewelry specialty retailers online. Trax NYC, Thug Fashion and Hip Hop Bling are just some of the many jewelers specializing in hip-hop and urban jewelry. The specific steps for ordering custom jewelry may vary by site, but most work the same way. Many of these sites have charms and pendants already stocked that you can customize to your own specifications. However, others --- for example, Trax NYC --- also allow you to create a design from scratch.


    Locate the selected site's custom jewelry page. Pick from one of the designs available to customize or upload your own design as an image file. Specify your charm's size and dimension.


    Select what sort of materials you want your charm to be made from. The standard choices are gold and silver. Also select the type of stones you would like, if any. Common choices include diamonds, cubic zirconia and gemstones.


    List the price you would like to pay for your charm, appropriate to the design you have chosen.


    Enter your contact information, such as your name, email and phone number, and submit your request. The website will contact you to confirm your order and verify the correct design.


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