Monday, September 24, 2018

How to Clean Little Gems

Set into gold or silver metal, glistening gems of every color have attracted people since the earliest of times. Obtained for many reasons but most of all because of their sparkling radiance, gemstones are beautiful, valuable and meaningful to their owners. Small gemstones beauty and luster can decrease with age and wear. To avoid unsightly gems, regular care and cleanign is required. Often, effective cleaning can be done with very little effort or expense on your part.



    Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of ordinary dish soap. Many gems can be damaged by water that is too hot or too cold.


    Gently scrub away dirt with a fine bristle tooth brush, as a hard bristled brush may scratch a soft stone. Rinse the soap away and dry with a fine cloth.


    Use a soft cloth to clean any organic gems, such as pearl, coral, or amber. These gems can be damaged by most grooming products such as hairspray and certain fragrances, so take extreme care with these pieces.


    Use an ultrasonic cleaner only if you're sure that your type of gem won't be damaged by it. Gems that are compatible with an ultrasonic cleaner include ruby, sapphire, diamond, amethyst and unadorned gold. Do not use the ultrasonic cleaner with emerald, pearl, turquoise, or other gems that are not expressly approved in the cleaner's instructions.


    Store cleaned gemstones separate from one another, as gems have a tendency to scratch one another if allowed to touch or rub against one another. Even if the gems do not scratch each other, the metal settings may cause damage.


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