Friday, September 11, 2015

Birthstones are colored stones that represent the month in which a person is born. For instance, the August birthstone is the Peridot, which is a light green colored stone. Birthstones are extremely popular in jewelry making, and they add a touch of customization to an individual's jewelry collection. Some birthstone jewelry sells expensively in stores. However, you can make your own birthstone bracelets for little cost.


How to Create Birthstone Color Bracelets


    Determine your birth month's birthstone if you do not already know it. Refer to a birthstone chart if you wish.


    Select the appropriate colored birthstone beads. You can purchase many styles: crystal beads, round beads or standard beads.


    Measure your wrist and cut the appropriate length of beading wire with the wire nippers.


    Thread one end of the wire through the ring of the jewelry clasp. Place the hook of the clasp to the side.


    Create a loop around the ring with the wire and crimp it in place to keep it from sliding off the ring.


    Begin threading the birthstones onto the wire, placing bead spacers between each one.


    Thread the hook of the jewelry clasp through the end wire of the beaded bracelet. Create a loop around the hook and crimp it with the crimping pliers.


    Cut off any exposed wire, and clasp the bracelet around your wrist.


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