Saturday, June 27, 2015

Casting metal for jewelry is a simple process if you have the right casting tools. You need to build a mold and then cast this mold in a machine that makes metal casts for jewelry. You start by carving your piece from wax, which you can buy from a jewelry casting and supply store. Then you use this wax mold (it is actually a form, not a mold because it is a real duplicate of the actual piece your are casting in the mold), to create your metal mold.



    Carve a replica of the jewelry piece from a block of wax called a model. In some cases you may want to melt your wax first and place it in a cup which you can remove and carve from this, to remove any air bubbles in the wax. That may not be necessary with higher-quality waxes.


    Make sure your carved model replica matches your piece of jewelery exactly. Be certain all the attaching parts, rings, and important sections of the item are exactly as you want. Carve carefully and exactly.


    Insert the model or replica on a spinning base in your jewelry casting machine. Then insert the casting material for your specific type of metal. Different silicones and materials should be used for each type of metal.


    Create your mold using the casting machine. Once your mold is finished, remove it, and then test your mold by injecting it with a hot wax injection. You will need a special machine to complete this step of the process. This also gives you another form to make yet another mold, so you can continue to create exact replicas of your jewelry piece.


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